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OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Hmm, so if the jade wall can replenish/repair the bones, does that mean he could possibly recover the other 2?? And what happens if the last bone breaks, does he go back home or lose powers?? I honestly think it's a demonic entity that possesses the bones and using the MC to absorb energies from artifacts.

Eternallygr8 • 1 year ago

Or maybe it can be some sort of divine/heavenly artifact.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

True, I guess we'll see.

Winterisreallycoming • 1 year ago

There is a trend in the more recent untranslated Chinese Novels that uses this concept. The so-called MCs with Cheat/System similar to Tensei Slime are actually thieves trying to steal power from the world.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Yeah I've noticed, wonder why this concept has become popular lately.

Joseph Gilbert • 1 year ago

hand off her buddy ack call 911 my wrist both is broken